Saturday, August 1, 2015

Electric circuit, Connection of loads and cells

Electric circuit

Definition: The way design by connecting electric source, load and switch with
conducting wire through electricity flow continuously is called electric circuit.
It is of two type
  • Closed electric circuit : electricity flows continuously.
  • Open electric circuit : electricity does not flow continuously.

Q. What is the grouping of cell?
→ Connecting two or more than two cell in single circuit is called grouping of cell.
Q. Why grouping of cell required?
→ To increases electric current and electring voltage, grouping of cell required.
The grouping of cell is of two types:
Series connection of cell
Parallel connection of cell
  • Shell are connected such that (+)ve and (-)ve poles
    of cell comes alternatively.
  • Total voltage in circuit V = v1+v2+v3+.....
  • Main current doesnot divide and flow through all cell.
  • In this type of grouping current flow for short time and finished.
Test Image
  • Shell are connected such that (+)ve poles of all cell are on
    one side and (-)ve poles are another side
  • Potenstial difference between two points always remains smae.
  • Main current divide and flow through different cell.
  • This type of grouping current flow for long time.
Test Image

Q. What do mean by electric load?
→ The equipment which convert electric energy to another type of energy is called electric load.

Connection of Electric Load
    Connection of Electric Load is of two types:
  • Series connection of Load
  • Parall connectionof Load
Series connection of Electric Load
Parallel connection of Load
  • In each electric load same current flows.
  • Total voltage source is divided to each electric load.
  • Separate switch and fuse can't be used for each electric load.
  • If a single load is damaged then other rest electric load don't work.
  • If a electric bulb is added or subtracted lighting effect decrease
    or increase.
  • In electric load different current flows.
  • Equal source voltage is applied to each electric load.
  • Separate switch and fuse can be used for each electric load.
  • If a single load is damaged then other rest electric work.
  • If a electric bulb is added or subtracted lighting effect
    don't effected

Q. At home, which type of connection of bulbs, write its advantage?
→ At home bulbs are parallely connected
  • Different switch can be used for different bulbs.
  • As necessary, bulbs can be on or off.
  • If a single bulbs damaged remaining electric bulbs still can be used.
  • All electric bulbs have same light effect.
    Q. When we do electric connection at home, following points should take in mind:-
    • Switch and fuse should connect on live wire.
    • Suitable switch should be used.
    • Different switch should used at different floor and room.
    • Connecting wire should not placed at water leaked place.
    • Lighting and power supply line should be different

    Q. What do you mean by AC and DC current?
    → The current in circuit whose poles continuously changes after certain time is called AC. The current in circuit whose poles don't changes and always flows unidirection is called DC.
    AC is easier to transferr from one place to other place than DC.
    Q. The current supplied in KTM city has frequency 50 Hz, what do you mean by this?
    → This imples that it is alternating current (AC) and poles of this current changes 50 times per second.

    Do yourself

    • Q. At home electric load are connected in parallel, why? Write its advantages.
    • Q. At home electric load are don't connected in series, why? Write its disadvantages.
    • Q. To increase lighting effect bulbs are connected in parallel not in series, why?
      → In parallel connection, on each load equal voltage occurs. Therefor each bulbs have same lighting effect.
    • Q. In series of connection load, as load is added then lighting effect decreases, why?
      → In series connection of load, as load is added then voltage on loads decrease. Therefor lighitng effect decrease.
    • Q. In series connection of load, as load is subtracted then lighting effect increase, why?
      → In sereis connection of load, as load is subtracted then voltage on loads increase. Therefor lighting effect increases.

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